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Proth primes of the form k•2n+1, 4000 < k < 6000

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Automatically generated table from available Proth primes 4000 < k < 6000.


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Primes table

There are 7 sequences:

k Type Date max n Nash # Primes for n
4119 3 2024-05-14
PrimeGrid Proth Prime Search Extended (MR25)
1,960,000 1352 23 2, 9, 54, 74, 110, 369, 774, 1145, 1265, 2475, 2526, 2889, 20310, 29669, 33525, 38622, 54666, 72915, 90507, 139394, 443235, 476849, 679950
4665 315 2024-05-14
PrimeGrid Proth Prime Search Extended (MR25)
1,960,000 2280 55 2, 3, 8, 12, 14, 17, 32, 39, 60, 89, 104, 128, 137, 158, 159, 228, 272, 312, 473, 633, 1104, 1137, 1533, 1770, 2052, 2732, 3212, 5583, 6288, 7329, 11292, 13008, 13508, 16400, 24717, 25052, 30740, 49500, 106553, 119790, 138837, 143264, 178322, 242700, 359114, 399494, 416204, 546879, 760820, 787244, 841209, 1050332, 1270202, 1642514, 3400922
5193 3 2024-05-14
PrimeGrid Proth Prime Search Extended (MR25)
1,960,000 2405 54 2, 4, 14, 26, 44, 58, 68, 92, 218, 244, 274, 280, 382, 436, 454, 638, 784, 790, 824, 880, 1130, 2200, 2546, 2818, 2840, 3874, 4226, 4277, 5846, 8572, 12862, 15118, 20270, 31520, 40216, 48077, 59110, 59674, 76178, 78992, 125392, 130970, 132221, 133808, 148618, 151688, 172109, 185237, 222202, 313318, 359716, 421942, 1093718, 1495292
5307 3 2024-05-14
PrimeGrid Proth Prime Search Extended (MR25)
1,960,000 3348 58 3, 4, 6, 7, 19, 27, 28, 36, 42, 60, 70, 95, 126, 148, 172, 252, 276, 416, 478, 500, 556, 908, 1019, 1050, 1324, 1503, 2380, 2430, 3424, 3752, 3966, 5023, 7952, 8348, 8467, 13535, 14180, 19804, 21424, 22803, 65956, 67668, 71598, 94062, 124275, 132120, 145696, 156887, 208048, 222404, 332299, 396736, 550920, 626016, 675879, 712292, 1047047, 3374939
5505 315 2024-05-14
PrimeGrid Proth Prime Search Extended (MR25)
1,960,000 3173 57 3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 17, 30, 50, 53, 57, 80, 99, 168, 570, 642, 677, 708, 765, 780, 1230, 1296, 1872, 1902, 1935, 2156, 3225, 3942, 4098, 4679, 7683, 11510, 13907, 16119, 17292, 24042, 25244, 35352, 61280, 62934, 63486, 105840, 130292, 131670, 149603, 150893, 171347, 242160, 244062, 287226, 848408, 901377, 1155282, 1212579, 1266048, 1738323, 1869345, 3375777
5703 3Low 2024-05-14
PrimeGrid Proth Prime Search Extended (MR25)
1,960,000 851 19 4, 6, 36, 64, 114, 432, 5149, 7758, 8397, 12354, 17826, 18222, 18384, 23157, 32509, 37144, 41236, 99342, 670158
5823 3 2024-05-14
PrimeGrid Proth Prime Search Extended (MR25)
1,960,000 2254 39 2, 4, 16, 62, 64, 68, 88, 116, 146, 176, 188, 200, 416, 512, 1096, 1316, 1496, 1552, 1634, 4468, 5246, 8105, 8648, 9620, 11372, 14969, 15521, 15724, 44809, 47929, 48368, 49556, 84668, 118328, 155722, 410201, 572786, 730706, 1338928
Proth primes