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Proth primes of the form 18446744073709551427•10n+1

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Current data

k , b : 18446744073709551427 , 10
Type : 31521452805
Count : 17
Nash : 3569
Max n : 100,000
Date : 2024-07-25
38, 214, 425, 557, 713, 1322, 1330, 5061, 19090, 19876, 31954, 41012, 53924, 94455, 413500, 476124, 764330
Remarks :
The k-value is given as 2^64-189 at The Prime Pages.

See also List of k•10n±1 (probable) prime numbers Studio Kamada (see wlabel=184467440737095514270w1).

Note: The type is not displayed correct, see Help:Known issues.
