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Proth primes of the form 397•2n+1

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Current data

k , b : 397 , 2
Count : 40
Nash : 1877
Max n : 4,500,000
Date : 2024-02-29
4, 6, 16[1], 24, 30, 36, 40[2], 52, 60, 78, 132, 204, 352, 556, 1936, 4876, 5278, 6450, 6546, 9498, 10878[3], 13012, 22356, 24498, 28768, 29952, 41050, 46242, 56874[4], 61414[5], 74148, 81306, 118090, 134056, 391200, 598342, 825972, 1293028, 2598796, 3859450[6]
Remarks :
The sequence A323043 in OEIS

