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Riesel primes of the form 30003•2n-1

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Revision as of 13:58, 17 January 2023 by Happy5214 (talk | contribs) (615k, released)
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Current data

k , b : 30003 , 2
Type : 3
Count : 29
Nash : 2039
Max n : 615,000
Date : 2023-01-16
2, 4[1], 10[2], 26, 28, 64, 148, 166, 332, 400, 416, 514, 578, 1028, 1382, 2342, 5986, 5990, 8500, 17074, 53750, 75550, 81800, 93776, 110944, 113506, 152674, 235396, 613463


  1. Twin n=4
  2. Twin n=10
