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Riesel primes of the form 66825•2n-1

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Current data

k , b : 66825 , {{{Rb}}}
Count : 96
Nash : 5019
Max n : 50,000
Date : 2020-09-06
1[1], 2[2], 4[3], 5[4], 6[5], 7[6], 8[7], 9, 13[8], 14, 16, 25, 28, 34, 40, 44, 48, 50, 68, 72, 76, 85, 95, 116, 128, 185, 196, 198, 210, 281, 288, 308, 311, 366, 389, 455, 476, 489, 533, 598, 620, 626, 692, 705, 844, 990, 1178, 1370, 1438, 1740, 1778, 1993, 2215, 2372, 2870, 3439, 3590, 3917, 3952, 4242, 4934, 5173, 5332, 5407, 6345, 6986, 7398, 7944, 9433, 9520, 9625, 10580, 10957, 13132, 13860, 15270, 19400, 20237, 21832, 23274, 24174, 24959, 25367, 31280, 40548, 42836, 46406, 113004, 120301, 134070, 151293, 152828, 409646, 478138, 511745, 588924

[[Category:Riesel {{{Rb}}}|#.....66825]][[Category:Riesel {{{Rb}}} Missing-range‎|#.....66825]]


  1. S.G. n=1
  2. Twin n=2
  3. S.G. n=4
  4. S.G. n=5, Twin n=5
  5. S.G. n=6
  6. S.G. n=7
  7. S.G. n=8
  8. S.G. n=13
