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Riesel primes of the form 2043•2n-1

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Current data

k , b : 2043 , 2
Type : 3
Count : 87
Nash : 4049
Max n : 1,310,000
Date : 2015-05-18
2, 4, 8, 16, 18, 20, 26, 32, 40, 44, 48, 54, 63, 68, 123, 140, 226, 231, 424, 470, 538, 584, 600, 735, 744, 824, 1226, 1244, 1580, 1632, 1983, 2239, 2320, 2396, 2610, 3084, 3411, 5988, 6064, 6148, 6992, 7250, 8719, 10048, 11036, 12474, 21498, 21538, 23608, 28336, 30878, 36238, 42702, 44340, 44775, 46760, 52048, 52328, 56886, 58430, 65298, 69968, 83774, 103992, 137822, 139884, 159346, 226582, 239668, 241196, 263444, 303974, 310708, 312386, 417726, 455246, 461079, 503778, 590452, 679536, 792106, 847550, 902316, 1061700, 1094124, 1114516, 1185062
