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Page statistics
Content pages10,941
(All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)
Uploaded files103
Edit statistics
Page edits since Prime-Wiki was set up35,171
Average edits per page2.79
User statistics
Registered users47
Active users (list of members)
(Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days)
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View statistics
Views total35,345,901
Views per edit1,004.97
Most viewed pages
Category:Riesel 21,359,401
Category:Riesel 2 Low-weight751,138
Main Page669,487
Category:Riesel prime596,073
Category:Riesel 2 10e5-10e6499,511
Category:Riesel 2 10e4-10e5494,960
Category:Riesel 2 3k-value462,339
Category:Leyland prime P373,070
Category:Riesel 2 Missing-range120,994