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Williams primes of the form 5•4n-1

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Current data

Base : 4
Count : 51
Max n : 6,000,000
Date : 2021-10-09
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 16, 24, 27, 36, 74, 92, 124, 135, 137, 210, 670, 719, 761, 819, 877, 942, 1007, 1085, 1274, 1311, 1326, 1352, 6755, 10869, 12812, 20967, 25739, 26270, 26615, 86150, 122864, 175014, 597082, 1230241, 1529849, 1545430, 1632325, 1784577, 2714747, 3518594, 3877501, 5174500, 5247810, 5677882
Remarks :
Do not add primes here. Only add primes 2*n to Riesel 5•2n-1.
For additional history, see above reused Riesel sequence.