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Proth primes of the form 1071•2n+1

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Current data

k , b : 1071 , 2
Type : 3
Count : 67
Nash : 3090
Max n : 3,640,000
Date : 2022-07-31
1[1], 4, 5, 7[2], 8[3], 15, 16, 25[4], 41[5], 49, 51, 56, 92, 95, 97, 115, 144, 217, 221, 347, 632, 772, 1176, 1385, 1876, 2408, 2484, 2900, 3044, 3217[6], 3880, 4829, 4849, 6244, 7399, 9667, 12529, 13375, 18931, 25264, 25279, 37244, 39656, 52591, 61352, 66039, 123664, 139944, 176004, 183049, 205580, 206604, 347412, 411305, 655399, 694812, 734207, 975760, 977640, 1526401, 1548940, 1701792, 2477584, 2609316, 2814469, 2884844, 3523944[7]

