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Proth primes of the form 177•2n+1

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Current data

k , b : 177 , 2
Type : 3
Count : 77
Nash : 3473
Max n : 6,000,000
Date : 2025-02-16
2, 4, 6, 12[1], 16[2], 20, 23[3], 32, 38, 48[4], 54, 60, 100, 116[5], 118, 119[6], 140, 150, 163, 170, 190, 244, 271[7], 294, 299[8], 320, 334, 414, 439, 442, 468, 724[9], 794, 842[10], 864, 1032[11], 1750, 2050, 3980, 4010, 4756, 5096, 5963, 5966, 6836, 14160[12], 16748, 16844, 19814[13], 25398[14], 37702, 41148, 62159, 65806, 143626, 151308, 210340, 269320[15], 324326, 332846, 333364, 358114, 365164[16], 385438, 419600, 434336[17], 463598, 490500, 501106, 657458, 751028, 798443, 1121720, 2816050, 3411847, 3717746, 4162494
Remarks :
The sequence A032465 in OEIS

