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Near Generalized Woodall primes of the form (n+1)•2n-1

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Current data

ASCII format : (n+1)*2^n-1
Base : 2
Count : 33
Max n : 2,000,000
Date : 2015-05-01
1[1], 2, 3[2], 4, 5[3], 9[4], 14, 15[5], 16, 27[6], 45[7], 122, 125[8], 213[9], 242, 256, 263[10], 290, 855[11], 1059[12], 2273[13], 3945[14], 3999[15], 9512, 14127[16], 16486, 20056, 28834, 41493[17], 159147[18], 227139[19], 587823[20], 3986381[21]
Remarks :
The sequence A230769 in OEIS
For additional odd n history, see Woodall n•4n-1.

